Friday 13 March 2009

Class Story, Memories and of course the PARK!

In all the Yr 6 classes, we had to make up our own short stories as a class. This was very fun, and all of Yr 6 thoroughly enjoyed this task. But here is 6DN's story:

The Autumn Invasion

One pitch black gloomy night, in a quiet mysterious village, the crispy Autumn leaves were rustling in the gentle breeze. Something strange was lurking about… I looked up at the stars in the dark sky and I saw blue flashing streaks of light. Was it a UFO? It suddenly exploded like fragments of glass filling the sky like fireworks. It was a UFO! It had to be.

Out of the UFO emerged a luminous, green, gooey alien, taking the form of a human. All the nearby villagers had joined me and a look of shock and fear showed on their faces. Slowly more aliens appeared from the star speckled sky.

Then the biggest and most terrifying alien spoke, “surrender, or die,” he shouted. I turned and ran frantically into the forest. Suddenly, I tripped over a large tree root and fell unconscious. I woke to find myself in a strange eerie room.

I came too and opened my eyes. I realised my arms were bound behind me. I scanned the room, all around the wall was a range of human skulls. The door crashed open and fell off its hinges as three enormous guards entered the room. A shiver ran down my spine. One of the three alien guards said in his rough, vibrating voice, “you will soon join our collection of human skulls on the wall.” Immediately I realised I had to free myself, it was my only way out and I seemed to be running out of time.

With my heart pounding, I looked in desperation for something that would help me escape from here. Out of the corner of my eye, a shiny object shone. A ray of hope engulfed my body. Slowly, I edged my foot towards the shiny object. As I stretched my foot towards the glass, I realised it was a few centimetres out of reach. All my hopes vanished. The noise of trying to reach the object made the guards come and check on me. As they walked towards me, inadvertently one of the guards kicked the glass closer to my reach. I grabbed it as quickly as I could. Relief flooded through me.

Now all I had to do was cut my way out. I started cutting away at the ropes, with my arms behind my back. I found it so difficult, but I did it! I was free! All I had to do was get out the skull room. I threw the piece of glass at the skull and it crashed to the floor, shattering into pieces. The guards went to examine it. I saw my chance and ran out of the room. I felt exhausted after all the pressure that was put on me, but I realised I had to destroy this spaceship.

I went to the master control room to see how I could save the Earth. I found a button with “self-destroy” and timed it for 3 minutes, so I could escape safely. Slowly, making sure I was not heard, I made my way to the exit. My heart was racing. It seemed to be taking forever. Suddenly, it was there. My freedom was close. Jumping off, I raced through the forest and then I heard the sound of my freedom. The bomb went off!

I hope you enjoyed reading this.

This week Miss DeNapoli's red group went to interview Mr Worrall (Sophie and Amelia), Mrs Bektasoglu (Riddhi and Naail) and Mrs Fincham (Matthew.A and Rohan). We thank you very much! After we had to write a flashback memory, so here they are:

Mr Worrall's Memory

As the famous Arsenal scored a goal against Roma; Mr.Worrall cheered and all of a sudden he remembered the greatest game (and memory) in history…!

With 5 minutes to go, Arsenal were lagging behind; they had needed to beat Liverpool by 2 goals to have won the title! Could they do it? GOAL! Mr.Worrall and his friends had screamed and cheered. Arsenal just needed to score 1 more goal! “Come on! Come on!” they had all shouted. Then, without warning, a player (called Michael Thomas) had made a massive run from deep. With all his might, he had shot. Tension and anticipation had engulfed Mr.Worrall. Would it be a moment to remember? SCORE! Thomas’ greatest moment had come! It was a historic goal! Mr.Worrall had not believed it back then…

Remembering the most fantastic game of his life: all he could do was support Arsenal all the way! Mr.Worrall says he remembers the game by doing forward rolls- (which he did at the end of the game)!

By Amelia Harris & Sophie Quantrill 6DN

As the famous Arsenal scored a goal against Roma; Mr.Worrall cheered and all of a sudden he remembered the greatest game (and memory) in history…!

With 5 minutes to go, Arsenal were lagging behind; they had needed to beat Liverpool by 2 goals to have won the title! Could they do it? GOAL! Mr.Worrall and his friends had screamed and cheered. Arsenal just needed to score 1 more goal! “Come on! Come on!” they had all shouted. Then, without warning, a player (called Michael Thomas) had made a massive run from deep. With all his might, he had shot. Tension and anticipation had engulfed Mr.Worrall. Would it be a moment to remember? SCORE! Thomas’ greatest moment had come! It was a historic goal! Mr.Worrall had not believed it back then…

Remembering the most fantastic game of his life: all he could do was support Arsenal all the way! Mr.Worrall says he remembers the game by doing forward rolls- (which he did at the end of the game)!

By Amelia Harris & Sophie Quantrill 6DN

Mrs Bektasoglu's Memory

It was an Autumn morning and Mrs Bektasoglu was working away in her study, thinking of all she had to do that day; then suddenly a memory started to unfold in her mind…

She was running about getting ready to post her written application for deputy headship of Churchfields Junior. She had a day of interviews, presentations and an assembly.

She did all this and more, eventually she had come home exhausted. Later (that day) she was keenly staring at the phone, just waiting for it to ring. It seemed to take forever, until after a long time:
RING!!!!! RING!!!!!!
Then, as Mrs Bektasoglu answered the phone, she looked very solemn.
“ I’ve got it!!!!” she had cried. Relief flooded through the house. She was Deputy head of Churchfields Junior!

Suddenly she came to her senses and smiled as she typed away on the computer forgetting the stress of her work and did it with a smile on her face.

She thought the news was wonderful but the job is even more. She admits it has its ups and downs but mostly ups!

By Naail Choudhury & Riddhi Gondhia 6DN

Mrs Fincham's Memory

Mrs.Fincham was watching the Olympic games, when she flicked the channel and saw sailing; that triggered a memory in her mind…

In 1996 when her son Daniel (aged 11) won the National Sailing cup. The competition took place in Dachet Sailing club (Windsor). There was over 50 sailing clubs that attended. Mrs.Fincham was over the moon, and proud of her son Daniel. Princess Anne presented the cup. “ It was a great achievement, I am very proud!” Mrs. Fincham said with a smile on her face.

By Matthew a & Rohan 6DN

I hoped you enjoyed reading these, I'm sure red group enjoyed writing them.

Now for the most exciting bit, Miss DeNapoli felt that 6DN have worked extremely hard so she took us for a treat, to churchfields park. We had a fantastic time! Look at the top to see some pictures!

By Amelia and Ella :)